We went to go play in the rain these people FLOURED us!!! they had flour in nylons and threw them at us!!! one hit me right in the mouth :( it hurt real bad. But anyways we went to the canal after this and boy oh boy was that fun. Then we were all dirty and jumped in the shower and danced. The canal is SOOO COLD!!! She hit me with mud! Don't we look hot?!
Every year the APX Alarm throws a huge free, money flying everywhere party for free at Beaver Dick Park! So we all got dressed up and went to the party! It was pretty rockin.
One day we were walking and came up with the genius idea to go DUMPSTER DIVING! So we thought of the best day to go and we thought Monday. So that next monday we went to the dumpster, and we found loads of cookies and muffins and brownies! Of course they were wrapped so dont freak out. Now we do it every week and we get more and more everytime! We love it, its a tradition. This one had like spaghettios on it or someting! Us in the trunk of the car. we cant breath!!!
Beth came over in this random lion mascot costume that she bought at the DI for $25!! She scared me. We then went to apartments around scaring other people :)
Hannah feels trapped inside the house! We look hot in our Granny Night Gowns! I made BANANA BREAD!!! it was so delicious!
It has been 3 weeks since I posted anything! I'm sorry! I'm gonna catch up and start doing it more regular. One day I took about 80 pictures and I was putting off posting them and then.. I just never posted anything. Ok here I am going to start posting!